Friday, September 7, 2012

Screen Shot From J Granholm Speech at DNCC

Captured Screen Shot From J Granholm Speech to DNCC

Jennifer Granholm As Young Woman


        Obama Youth Brigade Gesture                                   Hitler Youth Brigade Gesture

                               What I think about all of this DNCC Crap !!!!!       

 Wacky Jenn Rallies the Unions with Crazed Power Antics!!!!!

Jennifer Granholm Speech  Pandering For Votes, Loses Her Mind......"FORMER GOV From Michigan"

Here is a Hitler Speech for Context

Hitler Speech Ending Nazi Party Congress 

Additional Pictures I found of interest......

 Action T4 via Wikipedia
Action T4 (German: Aktion T4) was the name used after World War II[1] for Nazi Germany's "Euthanasia programme" during which physicians killed thousands of people who were "judged incurably sick, by critical medical examination".[2] The programme officially ran from September 1939[3][4] until August 1941, but it continued unofficially[5] until the end of the Nazi regime in 1945.[6]
During the official stage of Action T4, 70,273 people were killed,[7] but the Nuremberg Trials found evidence that German and Austrian physicians continued the murder of patients after October 1941 and that about 275,000 people were killed under T4.[8] More recent research based on files recovered after 1990 gives a figure of at least 200,000 physically or mentally handicapped people killed by medication, starvation, or in the gas chambers between 1939 and 1945.[9]
The name T4 was an abbreviation of "Tiergartenstraße 4", the address of a villa in the Berlin borough of Tiergarten which was the headquarters of the Gemeinnützige Stiftung für Heil- und Anstaltspflege, bearing the euphemistic name literally translating into English as Charitable Foundation for Curative and Institutional Care.[10] This body operated under the direction of Reichsleiter Philipp Bouhler, the head of Hitler's private chancellery,[11] and Dr. Karl Brandt, Hitler's personal physician. This villa no longer exists, but a plaque set in the pavement on Tiergartenstraße marks its location.
In October 1939, Hitler signed a back-dated "euthanasia decree" to 1 September 1939 which authorised Bouhler and Brandt to carry out the programme of "euthanasia" (translated into English as follows):
"Reich Leader Bouhler and Dr. med. Brandt are charged with the responsibility of enlarging the competence of certain physicians, designated by name, so that patients who, on the basis of human judgment [menschlichem Ermessen], are considered incurable, can be granted mercy death [Gnadentod] after a discerning diagnosis


     (a) Medicare-
         (1) IN GENERAL- Section 1861 of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1395x) is amended--
(B) by adding at the end the following new subsection:
   ‘Advance Care Planning Consultation'
‘(hhh)(1) Subject to paragraphs (3) and (4), the term ‘advance care planning consultation’ means a consultation between the individual and a practitioner described in paragraph (2) regarding advance care planning, if, subject to paragraph (3), the individual involved has not had such a consultation within the last 5 years. Such consultation shall include the following:
‘(F)(i) Subject to clause (ii), an explanation of orders regarding life sustaining treatment or similar orders, which shall include--
‘(ii) The Secretary shall limit the requirement for explanations under clause (i) to consultations furnished in a State--
‘(iii) A program for orders for life sustaining treatment for a States described in this clause is a program that--
‘(IV) is guided by a coalition of stakeholders includes representatives from emergency medical services, emergency department physicians or nurses, state long-term care association, state medical association, state surveyors, agency responsible for senior services, state department of health, state hospital association, home health association, state bar association, and state hospice association.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Dangerous Teenage Trends Parents should know about


reposted via

    Picture from

1. Planking

 The activity involves lying face-down on any surface. Once in position, the participant’s friends take a picture and share it on the web, often escalating to dangerous places rooftops, cars, stairs, possibly ending in a severe injury.   (keep an eye your childs friends and their social media photos looking for "plank" pics)

2. Vodka Eyeballing

Teenagers are quick to find new ways to consume alcohol without leaving the obvious smell of booze on their breath. This new trend involves pouring vodka directly into the eye, passing through the mucous membrane and entering the bloodstream through the veins around the eyeball. The result is a quick buzz. If done often, this activity can burn or scar the cornea, and in some extreme cases cause blindness.  (watch vodka levels and severly red eyes)

 3  Choking game

 This game creates a momentary high parallel to that caused by the use of certain drugs.  (hand or other marks around your childs neck line or area)

4. Vodka Gummy Bears

News broke recently about YouTube videos that showed how to infuse candy with alcohol. Kids now have access to a step-by-step tutorial on how to soak gummy bears in vodka and consume them in plain view just about anywhere.  (vodka levels and taste candy or smell in kids bag, room, laundry)

 5. Smoking Smarties

 Also fueled by internet tutorials, smoking smarties involve crushing the candy until it is in powder form. Once fully dissolved, an opening is made on the side of the package to allow puffing the sugar powder and exhaling it like cigarette smoke. Inhaling the sugar powder from the smarties candies can cause infections, chronic coughing,  (look for crushed candy in laundry, room, floor, or burned candy packages in trash)

 6. Tampon Drunkenness

A tampon is soaked in alcohol and then inserted in a girl’s vagina or a boy’s rectum.  (you're on your own)

 7. Distilling Hand Sanitizer

This inexpensive and very accessible product is easy for kids to get their hands on. Salt is used to separate the high quantities of alcohol found in hand sanitizer, which is then consumed.  (purchase foaming hand sanitizer)

for more information please go to:

 8. Car Surfing

 Here’s how it works: teenagers climb on top of a car, hold onto the roof, and pretend to surf while the driver hits the pedal and drives. (watch social media for pics, stories, or chat mails etc)

 9. Purple Drink

This drink has become famous because of various rap artists who drink it in videos. Even NFL players have gotten in on the act. The drink includes a mixture of Sprite, Jolly Ranchers, and codeine cough syrup. It is highly toxic and can cause hallucinations, ( make sure items used are not available or found in your house)


This website allows the user to anonymously chat online with anyone without the use of security blocks or filters.  (watch computer history for visits to this site, place this site on parental watch lists)

 11. Bath Salts 

Commonly referred to as “Purple Wave” and “Bliss,” this drug contains high levels of mephedrone, methylone, and MDPV, three drugs that cause hallucinations when smoked, snorted, or injected. (stop taking relaxing therapeutic hot baths with salts from Victoria's Secret because idiots found a new way to get High)

to a lesser extent, "face book chat", "IM" with Strangers, Unprotected Sex,

 Keep your kids active in healthy ways, sports, outside activities, bring them to church, love them, tell them you love them you love them... talk to them about the good and bad from your life, and how you would do some things differntly

Monday, September 3, 2012

House Cat Parasite Increases Suicide Risks?

KUALA LUMPUR - Is a certain cat parasite driving people to commit suicide?

A recently published international report has linked women infected with the cat parasite Toxoplasma gondii (T. gondii ) with a higher risk of suicide attempts.

A new Universiti Malaya study has also shed some light on the correlation.
Parasitologist Assoc Prof Dr Veeranoot Nissapatorn said that out of 226 mentally-ill patients screened for T. gondii, 76 or 33.6 per cent of those with schizophrenia were infected.

"This figure is quite high," said Dr Veeranoot, who carried out the study with University Malaya Medical Centre consultant psychiatrist Assoc Prof Jesjeet Singh Gill between 2008 and 2010.

Recently, the Archives of General Psychiatry 2012 reported that out of 45,788 Danish women tracked down through medical records, those infected with T. gondii, a parasite found in cat faeces, had an increased risk of self-directed violence and suicide.

The disease called toxoplasmosis is treatable and preventable.
Cats are the main hosts of T. gondii, but the parasite can also be found in humans and other warm-blooded animals.

There are often flu-like symptoms in the early stages of toxoplasmosis. Researchers found a predictive link between the infection and suicide attempts later in life.

On whether the parasite had any influence on schizophrenic conditions in the local study, Dr Veeranoot said it could not be determined yet as the study was still at an early stage.

Dr Veeranoot said that blood screened from 226 patients showed the infection among those with bipolar disorder and major depression was extremely low 0.13 per cent and 0.18 per cent respectively while there was no infection found in cases of anxiety and organic brain syndrome.

Dr Jesjeet said "there is growing evidence that the infection is close-ly related to schizophrenia" and studies had shown that it might worsen the symptoms of the mental illness.

"For this reason, screening may be beneficial," he said, adding that such screenings were already available to pregnant women and those less capable of battling infections because their immune response was not functioning properly.

He said those with mental health problems, particularly schizophrenia, might have higher rates of toxoplasma infection compared to the general population because if their mental condition was untreated, they tend to have poor hygiene and nutrition and could develop infections.

UM Parasitology Department head Prof Dr Rohela Mahmud said the parasite concentrated mostly in the brain and eye and hence might interfere with brain functions.

She said treatment for the infection and vaccination of cats were available, adding that cats should be given cooked food instead of being allowed to eat mice as they, too, might be infected with the parasite.
She said people should also ensure they washed their hands after touching cats.